Modular pavillion for the 10th anniversary of RIPG
Through an open call process, Jacob and Léa were selected to design and oversee the construction of the new modular pavillion for “Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie en Gaspésie” (RIPG).
The commission was a pavilion for the exhibition of original photographs and video projections of approximately 20ft x 20ft. The challenge was to allow this pavilion to be assembled and disassembled so that it could be moved around Gaspésie for every new edition of the festival. The chosen solution is that of an exhibition device with rotating frames and independent removable roofs allowing to adapt the space to every new edition in accordance with the specific needs of the artists, their work and the media they use. The work was done as part of a month-long design residency in Gaspésie following a competition launched by the festival in spring 2018.

On site texture and embeded context

Open call application collage

Deconstructed axonometry of the pavillion and all its structural components

Modular and interchangeable wall panels for the pavillion. Allows different density and porosity for the structure.

Assemblage detail for the main joint of the wall panels. They were though so that it would be a low cost, effective and efficient solution as the pavillion’s skin is bound to change often due to constantly changing exhibition and the medium they use - from photography to film projection - needs very different supports.