Forest is an uninterrupted waltz between cybernetic forests and human activities, this new non-anthropocentric architecture aims to express both the mystical regenerative power of the forest and a balanced relationship with its human counterpart. The two entities meet in a process led by ever more precise and abundant information about the forest ecosystems to acknowledge its existence and its importance.

The Cultural Committee of the City of Paspébiac partnered with Take out + @milabroomberg to set up a station for the dissemination of historical and heritage information of the city 🙃 Paspeya citizens and passers-by were invited, on the occasion of the 2022 culture days to partake in a workshop.
With colors and symbols they made their own reinterpretation of the poem ~ The Paspeyas ~ by William Chapman. Their work is now capture for ever as the outer skin of this public installation.
While we are still gathering material from installation and workshop process, enjoy few images from the preparation

Meet me in the middle
Meet me in the middle isn't your typical video call. It's an experience that allows two people to meet in a digital world of their choosing as if they were in the same physical space. Through countless conversations, brainstorms and collaborations with KPOP fans but also digital, physical and hybrid space practitioners; Léa’s understood that to truly believe in a feeling of closeness, it comes down to bodily presence. Which is something the common communication tools we’re using these days really fail at supporting.

Full video here
5th floor talk
« 5th floor talk » is a lecture series organized for and by students at the Design Academy Eindhoven. This team is led by @delanyboutkan. Léa created hybrid environments with and for each panelist - artists, designers, coders, etc. - presentation. These spaces were designed for digital and physical guests to interact and exhange with panelist on various design matters.

The premise of the Hyperprime emerges from Jacob’s interest in the social upheavals linked to the massive arrival of automation and artificial intelligence. The initial question is: how does architecture adapt and transform itself in the face of the absence of humans? Amazon, its automated warehouses, its Kiva robots and its ever-in- creasing presence in the social and urban fabric of cities were used as a case study. The project thus developed as follows: what if these warehouses were now vertical and were located directly in the urban highway nodes of large cities.
With Christian Belanger and Thomas Marineau